The Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research, the Biblical Research Institute, the Ellen G. White Estate, and the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University are happy to present the program of the
Andrews University
October 13-15, 2022
Thursday October 13: All in Seminary Chapel
A. What is Identity? 5.30-7.30 pm
Chair: Andrea Luxton (Andrews University)
1) (Philosophy): “Whither Adventist Identity?” Ante Jerončić (Andrews University)
2) (Philosophy/Theology): “The Concept of Worldview and its Relevance to the Remnant” Jud Lake (Southern Adventist University)
3) (Theology): “The Seventh-day Adventist Identity: Who are We as the Community of Faith?” Jiří Moskala (Andrews University)
4) (History): “How Seventh-day Adventists Understood the Concept of Identity, Historically” Alberto Timm (Biblical Research Institute)
B. How Do Christians Arrive at a Shared Identity? 8-9.30 pm
Chair: Trevor O’Reggio (Andrews University)
5) (History): “Christian Identity in the Early Church” John Reeve (Andrews University)
6) (History): “A Protestant Identity or Protestant Identities? The Formation of Protestant Christianity, 1517-1600” Abner Hernandez (Andrews University)
7) (History): “A Sense of Belonging: The Adventist Journey Home” Denis Kaiser (Andrews University)
Friday October 14: All in Seminary Chapel
C. Narrative: 8.30-10 am
Chair: Dragoslava Santrac (Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research)
8) (Theology): “Narratives in Conflict: The Emergence of Christian Identity in the Ancient World” Felix Cortez (Andrews University)
9) (History): “Ultraism and the Present Truth: The Radical Essence of Early Adventism and How It Has Been Forgotten” Kevin Burton (Andrews University)
10) (History): “Historical Memory and the Identity of the Seventh-day Adventist Church” Valentyna Kuryliak (Ukrainian Institute of Arts and Sciences)
D. Doctrine: 10.30 am-12 noon
Chair: Daniel Bediako (Biblical Research Institute)
11) (Theology): “Views on the Identification of the Remnant within the Seventh-day Adventist Church” Sang-hoon Jee (Asia-Pacific International University)
12) (Theology): “The Centrality of Christ in Adventist Doctrine” Richard M. Davidson (Andrews University)
13) (Theology/History): “On the Emmaus Way: The Prospect of Adventist Systematic Theology” John Peckham (Andrews University)
LUNCH 12-1.30 pm
E. Healthy Living: 1.30-3 pm
Chair: Galina Stele (Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research)
14) (Theology-Law): “Adventist Identity in Relation to Race, Sex and Gender: A Christian Historical Perspective” Nicholas P. Miller (Andrews University)
15) (Sociology of Medicine): “Adventist Lifestyle Paradox: Increasing Scientific Affirmation, Waning Member Support” David Williams (Harvard University)
16) (Sociology of Religion): “Loving Legalists? How Adventists Simultaneously Embrace God’s Love and Adhere to Legalistic Beliefs” Petr Činčala, Duane McBride, and René Drumm (Andrews University)
F. Eschatology and Prophecy: 3.15-4.45 pm
Chair: Elias Brasil de Souza (Biblical Research Institute)
17) (Art History): “A Visual Apocalypse: Adventist Eschatology in the History of Art” Neale Schofield (Avondale University)
18) (Theology): “The Cleansing of the Temple, the Land and the People in the Haggai-Zechariah Corpus: Implications for the Formation of Adventist Social Identity” Goran Zivkovic (McMaster Divinity College)
19) (Historical Theology): “Development of Adventist Apocalyptic Eschatology and Seventh-day Adventist Identity, 1844–1863” Clinton Wahlen (Biblical Research Institute)
G. Knowledge, Study, and Education: 5-6 pm
Chair: Adam Fenner (Andrews University/Adventist Learning Community)
20) (Philosophy-History) “Early Perspectives on the Value of Adventist Education” John Wesley Taylor (GC Education Department)
21) (History): “Adventist Medical Education”: Lisa Beardsley-Hardy (GC Education Department)
SUPPER 6-7.30 pm
H. Sabbath: 7.30-9.30 pm
Chair: Anna Galeniece (Andrews University)
– Andrews String Quartet performance
22) (Theology): “Sabbath as Doctrine and Blessing: Musings on the Heart of the Matter” Jo Ann Davidson (Andrews University)
23) (History): “ ‘The Sabbath’ on the Move in Nineteenth-Century Adventist History” Michel Sun Lee (Southern Adventist University)
24) (Historical Theology): “Becoming More Like Jesus—The Significance of the Image of God in the Writings of the Pioneers, 1842 to 1915” Gavin Anthony (Iceland Conference)
Sabbath October 15
I. Mission: 9-11 am in Seminary Chapel
Chair: Cheryl Doss (Institute of World Mission)
– Seminary Chorus performance
25) (Biblical Theology): “Living into the Just and Joyful Reality of the New Earth: Good News for the Past, Present, and Future” Andrew Tompkins (Andrews University)
26) (Missiology): “Adventist Identity and World Religions” Petras Bahadur (Center for Adventist-Muslim Relations)
27) (History): “‘Their Works do Follow Them’: The Importance of Foreign Mission in Adventist Identity, through the Lens of Missionary Tragedy” Ashlee Chism (Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research)
J. Worship Service (Sabbath morning) 11.45 am in Pioneer Memorial Church
Sermon on Adventist identity by Dwight Nelson (Andrews University)
LUNCH 1-2.30 pm
J. Spirit of Prophecy: 3.30-5 pm in Seminary Chapel
Chair: Jerry Moon (Andrews University)
28) (History): “‘Ellen White in Color’: The Divine and Human Elements in the Life and Ministry of Ellen G. White” Merlin Burt (Ellen G. White Estate)
29) (Historical Theology): “Foundational Aspects of Adventist Identity: Learning from Ellen G. White” Frank M. Hasel (Biblical Research Institute)
30) (History): ““Wholistic Living: Ellen G. White and the Development of the Seventh-day Adventist Health Message” Theodore Levterov (Loma Linda University/Ellen G White Estate)
K. Concluding Session: 5.30-7 pm Sabbath in Seminary Chapel
Chair: Zdravko Plantak (Loma Linda University)
31. “What Have We Learned about Adventist Identity?” David Trim (Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research/Andrews University)
-- Plenary discussion