We are happy to announce an upcoming conference, jointly hosted by the Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research (ASTR) and the Association of Seventh-day Adventist Historians (ASDAH). The conference will be held July 27-28, 2022 at the Walter C. Utt Center on the grounds of Pacific Union College in Angwin, California, USA, and its theme is "Renewal and Division: The Context of Europe's Reformations". There is no conference fee, but accommodation will cost: $65 per night + $9 for breakfast + 11 for lunch, for a total of $85 per day. Information on how to register for the conference will be posted later. Send any queries you have to [email protected].

Below is a DRAFT of the conference's program.


Renewal and Division: The Context of Europe’s Reformations

Walter C. Utt Center

Pacific Union College, July 27-28, 2022

Wednesday July 27

Session One, 1.30-3.00: Keynote One: Long-Term Perspectives on the Reformation

1. Alec Ryrie (University of Durham) “The Reformation, the Shape of History and the End of the World”
2. Gregory D. Dodds (Walla Walla University): “A Protestant Counter-Reformation? Humanism, Identity, and the Protestant Critique of the Reformation in Restoration England”

Session Two, 3.30-5.00: Medieval Contexts

3. Elizabeth Anderson Bowser (Southwestern Adventist University): “Heretics and the Medieval Economy: Separate but Equal?"
4. Karl G. Wilcox (Weimar College): “Chaucer’s Lollard Saint”

Conference Dinner, 6.30

Thursday July 28

Session Three, 8.45-10.30: Publishing the Reformation

5. Neale D. Schofield (Independent Scholar): “Luther to Lutheran: Establishing the Church through Academic Dissertations”
6. Rachel Byrd (Southern Adventist University): “Secrecy on Trial: The Debate about Public Trials and Public Records in The Actes and Monuments by John Foxe”
7. Edward M. Allen (Union College): “The Context for Nicholas Bownde’s Plan for Sabbath Renewal”

Session Four, 11.00-12.30: Keynote Two: Impact of the British Reformations

8. Peter Marshall (University of Warwick): “What can We Learn from Small and Quiet Places? Reformation in the Orkney Islands”
9. Lisa Clark Diller (Southern Adventist University): “Catholic Parenting in the Protestant State”

Session Five, 1.30-3.15: The Impact of the English Reformation(s)

10. Katherine A. Koh (La Sierra University): “‘For so many years we had in common our college’: The Influence of Collegiate Kinship Connections on Edmund Campion’s Life and Work”
11. Seth Anderson (Napa Valley College): [title TBC]
12. Heidi Olson Campbell (Baylor University): “The Sins of the Mother: Explorations on the Impact of the Environmental Change and Disease on Views of Women in Religion”

Session Six, 3.45-5.30: Long-Term Perspectives 2

13. David J. B. Trim (Andrews University/General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists): “The Reformation and the Persecutory Impulse”
15. Nicholas P. Miller (Andrews University): “Luther, Nationalism and Populism: The Roots of American Christian Nationalism”
16. Eric Anderson (Pacific Union College): “A Philosophe among Wesleyans: The Religious Commitment of a Teacher”
