Frequently Asked Questions

Many questions that we get frequently asked are answered here.

Below are questions that we are frequently asked. Click on "Show More" to see the answer to the question.

I was trying to find the Seventh-day Adventist Church's official website. Where is it?

The official denominational website of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is If you are looking for the denomination’s news outlet, visit

How can I read this website in my own language?

Online translation tools (such as Google Translate, available at can be used to read this website in your own language.

What is the Adventist Yearbook?

The online Adventist Yearbook ( is a vast resource with information on the following types of Church entities: General Conference Divisions, Unions, and Conferences; Educational Institutions (excluding primary schools); Food Industries; Healthcare Institutions; Media Centers; Publishing Houses; Radio and TV Stations; and Risk Management.

If you are interested in buying the physical volume published annually, you can find purchasing information on the website by clicking “Order Now”. You can also download the mobile app; learn more about it at

I am trying to find a church to attend this Saturday. Do you have a list of churches in my area?

The online Adventist Directory ( features contact information, locations, and directions for Seventh-day Adventist churches, schools, hospitals, conferences, and other entities. You can also use the official Adventist Locator, found at, to find these same entities. Please note that most entries in the Directory and the Locator are maintained by those entities, not by the Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research.

I have a question about Ellen White.

Questions about Ellen White should be directed to the Ellen G. White Estate. Their contact information, including a form used to submit questions, is available at We also provide links to their suite of websites at

I need a story from Adventist history as soon as possible.

The Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists, which you can access at, has all sorts of articles on a variety of subjects in Adventist history. Any article would likely be an excellent choice for you to tell at Sabbath School, in the classroom, or from the pulpit.

I’m looking for the date or location of a General Conference Session, or the name of a General Conference executive officer.

This information is available for you at That page also contains, among other things, a useful Quick Statistics sheet, membership statistics, and a list of adult Sabbath School lessons.

I don’t see the issues of the Review. Where are they?

The Review (as well as many other periodicals) can be found in our online archives, which you can access by visiting The online archives contains millions of pages of downloadable manuscripts, minutes, books, reports, and periodicals pertaining to the Adventist Church, and it serves as the repository for almost all the major periodicals in English. We have even begun adding materials in other languages.

Where can I find statistics about my division? Or about the Church as a whole?

Our Adventist Statistics page features a wealth of readily available statistical information about the Seventh-day Adventist denomination; the information can be viewed online or downloaded as Excel spreadsheets at You may also want to check out the Annual Statistical Report, available at in the online archives under “Statistics”.

I’m interested in human-subject research. Does ASTR have any resources about that?

We do! The Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research (ASTR) conducts qualitative and quantitative research on, and informs church leaders, members, and scholars about, the ministry, mission, and administration of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. You can find resources related to that research on this site at or on the Adventist Research site at

Where can I find ASTR on social media?

You can find links to our social media at We have accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. We also operate the Seventh-day Adventist History Twitter account and oversee the Twitter account for the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists.

What publications does ASTR produce?

We publish Telling the Story quarterly (focuses on the work ASTR does); Research Newsletter biweekly (focuses on human-subject research and links to blogs on; and the Journal of Adventist Archives yearly (peer-reviewed articles on Adventist history and sources).

We also produce the General Conference Archives Monograph Series, which can be purchased via Amazon.

Visit for links to the newsletter and the journal as well as links for purchasing the books in the monograph series.

How do I sign up for Telling the Story?

You can join the Telling the Story newsletter email list by filling out and submitting the form at

How do I sign up for the Research Newsletter?

To sign up for the Research Newsletter, visit the landing page of the newsletter on the Adventist Research website ( and click on “here” after it says “If you would like to receive this newsletter”.

How can I subscribe to the Journal of Adventist Archives? How much does a subscription cost?

We do not charge for the digital-only Journal of Adventist Archives (JAA). If you have signed up for our quarterly newsletter, you will automatically learn when each issue of the JAA appears, as it will be mentioned in the newsletter. You can find the JAA at

However, we do welcome donations for support of the JAA. Donations can be made through this page,

How do I submit to the Journal of Adventist Archives?

To submit an article to the Journal of Adventist Archives, you can email your document (preferably as a Word file) to [email protected]. Article length can vary, with the preferred length between 2,500-10,000 words. It will be sent out to peer reviewers, and feedback will be returned to you. Please adhere to Chicago/Turabian formatting and citation guidelines.

Why aren’t all the Adventist Yearbooks in the online archives? Aren’t they all digitized?

All of the Seventh-day Adventist Yearbooks, save for the current one (which can be ordered from the Adventist Yearbook website), are in the online archives. When the current Yearbook becomes a historic Yearbook, its PDF is uploaded to the online archives.

A gap does exist in the Yearbooks from 1895 to 1903, but that is because the Church did not publish a Yearbook during those years. We cannot digitize that which does not exist. However, in that time period, the Church published the information typically found in the Yearbook in the Review and in a periodical called the General Conference Bulletin.

How do I do a search in your online archives?

Search for your subject on the online archives website ( by simply typing the word(s) into the bar that reads “Search All Categories” and click on the results. You can do a narrower search by clicking on “Periodicals”, “Minutes”, or “Books” first, and then doing a search in the same way. You can also filter your search results by using the options of decades and years on the right side of the results page.

How can I do a history of my church or school?

First, please check the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists ( to make sure that a history has not already been completed. Second, you can do a general search in our online archives (, especially in the Periodicals section, for your town or the name of your congregation or school. The periodicals of the union conferences are often very useful for this type of research. See “How do I do a search in your online archives?” if you do not know how to complete a general search in the online archives.

What about family history? I am looking for information for my family tree. How can I research a deceased relative who was an Adventist?

To begin, go to the Seventh-day Adventist Obituary Index ( and perform a search for your person of interest. Note the publication information for any resulting obituary, and then visit the online archives site to access the periodical (

A general search can also be done for the name in the online archives. If the individual you are looking for was in denominational employ, searching for their name in the historic Adventist Yearbooks (which you can access at should yield results for that person’s respective years of employment. See “How do I do a search on your online archives?” if you do not know how to complete a general search in the online archives.

Where can I find historic Adventist images?

Photographs from Adventist history may be found on the ASTR image collection (, as well as in the Adventist Digital Library (; the White Estate photo collection (; the photo collections at the Center for Adventist Research at Andrews University (; the Loma Linda University Digital Archive (; as well as at other Adventist university and college libraries, often in their special collections or heritage collections.

If you use a historic image, please make sure to properly note where you found the image, as that will give proper credit to the archives or library which holds the original item, and it help others to find the photo in the future.

There’s a lot of periodicals in the online archives! I only want to see a specific issue from a specific year! How do I narrow the results down?

Since you know the year and date of the periodical issue you want to see, visit the online archives website ( and click on “Periodicals”. Scroll through the list until you see the periodical that you want, and then click on the name of the periodical. Then use the filter on the left side of the page to put the four-digit year into the Doc Year bar and press enter. The issues from that year should appear, and you can easily scroll to the issue from the date that you are looking for by looking at the Date Tag column.

The periodicals are often rich resources for those seeking information for their family history and family tree.

The issue of the periodical I’m looking for is not in the online archives. Where is it? Where can I find it if it’s not in the online archives?

Several reasons exist for the unfortunate moment when you cannot find a periodical or an issue of a periodical in the online archives. First, we may not have yet digitized the periodical in question. Second, even if we have digitized the periodical, we may not have had a physical copy of a certain issue to digitize. Third, we may have simply missed uploading it to the online archives. Statistically speaking, we’re likely to have made mistakes simply due to the number of pages uploaded to the online archives. Please know that we are working hard to identify and fill gaps in the periodicals in the online archives.

One alternative location to check for Adventist periodicals is the Adventist Digital Library ( If neither place has the periodical or the issue you’re looking for, please let us know by sending us an email at [email protected], and we’ll do our best to assist you.

How can my church, school, or administrative office better preserve our records?

We provide materials related to the preservation of historical materials and records under the Records Management tab, which you can view at

What's a retention schedule?

A retention schedule is a document that identifies and describes an organization's records, usually at the series level, provides instructions for the disposition of records throughout their life cycle. Essentially, it is the document an organization uses to keep track of what records are kept, for how long, and what to do with them after that. It is a vital tool to good records management, something which ASTR promotes.

What is archival accreditation, and how can my Church records-keeping facility be accredited?

Archival accreditation is a quality assurance process through which a record-keeping facility of the Seventh-day Adventist Church can demonstrate that it meets the minimum record-keeping standards and guidelines recommended by the Office of Archives, Statistics and Research (ASTR). ASTR is committed to improving the quality of records management in Adventist Church organizations worldwide, and the accreditation process is part of that commitment.

You can learn more about the benefits of archival accreditation and see the specifications of ASTR’s accreditation process at

Can I visit the Archives in person to do research?

We welcome many varieties of researchers at the Archives! However, since we have limited staff time, it is necessary to get approval for and arrange any visits in advance. To learn how to do that, visit

Can I check out a book from the Rebok Memorial Library?

No. The Rebok Memorial Library is a non-circulating reference library intended for the use of those working in the General Conference headquarters and scholars who are visiting the General Conference Archives. It is not open to the general public.

Can I donate books to ASTR?

The simple answer is yes. However, the following gift policy will apply: "Materials donated to the library will be added to the collection on the basis of the same selection criteria outlined for purchased items. No restrictions will be placed on gifts. They will be integrated into the existing collection, and subject to the same weeding and retention policies as purchased items. Donated items not added to the collection will be sent to other entities, sold, donated, or otherwise disposed of at the discretion of the Librarian. The Rebok Memorial Library and Research Center (RMLRC) will not appraise the market value of gifts for tax or for other purposes. Gift books should be delivered to the library at the effort and expense of the donor(s). As a general rule, the RMLRC will not pay for shipping."

Contact our team at [email protected] to find out more.

Can I donate or loan other materials to the ASTR?

The simple answer is yes. To read more about how we value donations, look at this page: If you are interested in donating historical materials to the Archives, please email us at [email protected] so we can get the process started.

Can I donate money to ASTR?

The simple answer is yes. Information about how to donate money to the Adventist Archives, as well as a donate link, are available at

I still can’t find the answer to my question online. What can I do now?

Please send us an email at [email protected] with your question. We try to address all queries that come in via email within two weeks of their arrival.

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