January 2013: Papers presented

This section contains seven research papers that were read at the January 2013 TOSC meeting and approved for release; in some cases, authors have made minor revisions to their papers since presenting them.

This section contains seven research papers that were read at the January 2013 TOSC meeting and approved for release; in some cases, authors have made minor revisions to their papers since presenting them. Also included is a copy of the statement on methods of Bible Study that was approved and voted by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Executive Committee at the Annual Council Session in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 12, 1986—a presentation on this statement was made at the January 2013 TOSC meeting.

TOSC January 2013 Program

PDF (0.1MB)


Dealing With Doctrinal Issues in the Church—Proposal for Ground Rules

Paul S. Ratsara and Richard M. DavidsonPDF (0.4MB)


Ellen G White on Biblical Hermeneutics

P. Gerard DamsteegtPDF (0.3MB)


Ordination in Seventh-day Adventist History

David TrimPDF (0.7MB)


Magisterial Reformers and Ordination

P. Gerard DamsteegtPDF (0.3MB)


Towards a Theology of Ordination

Angel Rodriguez, et alPDF (0.4MB)


Bible Study: Presuppositions, Principles, and Methods

Annual Council 1986PDF (0.1MB)


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