Editor of the Yearbook

Margarita S. Neyra

An experienced Global Talent Mobility Specialist, Margarita S. Neyra previously served the Church in the General Conference Secretariat and International Personnel Resources and Services (IPRS) departments, where her main responsibility was to assist missionary families prepare and move from their home countries to many parts of the world to preach the Gospel, and then return home after completing their term of service. During the last 5 years in IPRS, Maggy also served as the International Service Employee Working Policy editor.

Originally from Mexico, Maggy is a third-generation Adventist; coming from a paternal family of SDA workers, pastors, administrators and healthcare providers. She moved to the U.S.A. with her family in 1999 when she was called to serve at the Youth Department of the Texas Conference in the Southwestern Union Conference, and to Maryland, when she was called by the General Conference Secretariat, in 2002.