South American Division

With a population of 315 million, the South American Division (SAD) has more than 2 million members and 10,600 churches. The division includes Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Falkland Islands, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, with adjacent islands in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Here are the names of the division presidents and their tenure in that role.



O. Montgomery 1915-1922
Charles Thompson 1922-1924
P. E. Brodersen 1924-1926
C. B. Haynes 1926-1930
N. P. Neilsen 1931-1941
R. R. Figuhr 1941-1950
W. E. Murray 1950-1958
J. J. Aitken 1958-1966
R. A. Wilcox 1966-1975
Enoch Oliveira 1975-1980
Joao Wolff 1980-1995
Ruhy H. Nagel 1995-2006
Erton C. Kohler 2006-

Click here for the division website.