The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists operates according to representative government, and thus makes decisions with broad counsel, drawing on committees comprising men and women elected by the church members, or by the members’ representatives.  The documents on this page consist of actions on ordination and on the role of women taken by the major committees of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists:

  • General Conference Committee/Executive Committee (1863)
  • General Conference Administrative Committee (ADCOM) 
  • President’s Administrative Council (PRADCO)
  • General Conference Officers’ Meeting (1930)
  • President’s Executive Advisory (PREXAD)

GC Executive Committee, PRADCO and ADCOM exercise authority as specified or delegated under the terms of the Constitution and By-laws. Officers’ Meetings and PREXAD are advisory bodies, but because many issues are first discussed in them, extracts from their minutes are included.

These minutes are being made available to:

  • Ensure transparency
  • Foster understanding of the processes of church leadership
  • Heighten awareness of the time and consideration invested in the subject of ordination
  • Inform and educate about the way the Church has dealt with a complex subject