Here are the names of the division presidents and their tenure in that role.
Name |
Tenure |
Luka T. Daniel | 2003-2008 |
Gilbert Wari | 2008-2015 |
Elie D. Weick-Dido | 2015- |
Seventh-day Adventists believe in inspiring those around us to experience a life of wholeness and hope for an eternal future with God.
From Mauritania in the northwest to the Republic of Congo to the south and Chad in the northeast, the West-Central Africa Division (WAD) is comprised of 22 countries.
Here are the names of the division presidents and their tenure in that role.
Name |
Tenure |
Luka T. Daniel | 2003-2008 |
Gilbert Wari | 2008-2015 |
Elie D. Weick-Dido | 2015- |